Analyse data

Now we’ve gathered the data we need, it’s time to make sense of it. Here, we’ll take a closer look at our findings and aim to identify patterns.

Problems valuation

Look back over your data and identify the problems you managed to draw from your interviews.You're sure to find some recurring points, around which you’ll be able to observe patterns.

Problems valuation

Solution valuation

Take the most crucial problems and brainstorm solutions for them. Try to find as many possible solutions to this problem as possible. Then with your team vote for the best one.

Solution valuation


Different target groups have different needs, approaches and opinions. Creating a persona for each group is a great way to streamline your research data, whilst representing the specific considerations for fundamentally different groups of people.



Once you have the problem and the solutions it’s time to connect the dots. Fill it with 5-8 steps so you have clear path when problem emerged to solution.


Create your own method

We know that everyone is different. You’re more than welcome to create your own method and add it to talebook!